We moved into an apartment, I got 2 greats job, working as a RN in a cardiologists office and then also in the Cardiac Cath Lab at the hospital doing heart caths, pacemakers, etc. and I am really enjoying it. Bella just finished her first semester of Ballet and is getting ready to start Kindergarten in the fall. Hallie Beth turned 1 in March and she is our little cupcake. She is talking and loves having a big sister. We just recently moved into a house...our 9th move since Dan and I were married in Feb. 2005...we are now pros! We love living in a house again. We have a big fenced backyard so the girls are having a great summer too! We just had a few friends and their families over for the 4th of July, put up tons of water toys, pool, slip and slide, etc, had a BBQ and watched the fireworks and had a great night. I will try to update more! XOXO
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Lowe Family
i figured after a year without posting, I could give you a little update. I passed my RN boards in June, Dan got promoted to the ConAgra corporate office that now gave him the ideal Monday - Friday 9-5 schedule and we got ready for the move. We put our home on the market in Twin Falls, packed up, and moved to Kennewick, WA (Tri-cities). Dan started work in July and we lived apart for 2 months while I tied up the loose ends in Twin, packed, and he drove home home every weekend to see us.....6 hours each way. Hallie was just a few months old and he couldn't stay away from his girls! :)
Monday, June 21, 2010
Going Private!
Well, we are going private! There are some really cute pictures that I want to post of my girls, and after hearing some stories from some friends of weirdos taking there pictures, I think it is the best thing to do. So I am giving anyone 2 weeks...if you follow our blog and want to stay in touch, just send me your email on the comments or on facebook. Thanks everyone!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Catching up...
Since my last posting, here is what has happened to our family......
1. Bella turned 4 on December 14 and had a Tinkerbell/bowling party with our family and friends...she is growing up so fast and is getting tall!

10. March 27, 2010 our little girl HALLIE BETH was born and we now says KIDS instead of kid. That is weird!

11. Hallie was blessed May 2, 2010. It was a special day that reminded me how lucky I am to be a Mom and that I married a man that can bless my children and all of the blessings and emotions that go along with that. We were able to be surrounded by our family and friends with a few exception. Corrine, Andrew, and Seth....I missed you!

1. Bella turned 4 on December 14 and had a Tinkerbell/bowling party with our family and friends...she is growing up so fast and is getting tall!
The gifts, pizza, bowling, and a Tinkerbell ice cream cake from ColdStone...Great Birthday!!!
My mom's ballerina way of bowling
2. My parents bought me a piano for graduation...that has been great to have in our house. I have missed playing!
Bella's sassy robe and Dan finally got Arrested Development on DVD....get it on Netflix if you have yet to see this amazing show.
4. Spent New Year's at my parents home in Lewisville and celebrated my Dad's birthday
4. Spent New Year's at my parents home in Lewisville and celebrated my Dad's birthday

5. My mom came for a weekend and helped me paint the master bedroom....blue was the color of choice and it turned out awesome!

6. I continued to get bigger and bigger, but still feeling good.

6. I continued to get bigger and bigger, but still feeling good.
7. Dan and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary on Feb. 18 and we were able to repeat our first date in Rexburg...dinner at Gringos and a late movie at the dollar theatre. We also got chocolate dipped strawberries like we do every year for our anniversay and a massage.
8. March was spent with my family while Dan drove back and forth waiting for my phone call to tell him it was time to meet our baby girl. We had our baby in Idaho Falls because my doctor there is the only one that I trust.
9. We made a big purchase. Besides our house that we bought almost 3 years ago, we decided that we now needed driving room with a new addition coming. Dan and I both had cars that are 1995 and were starting to show it. So meet our upgrade....a silver 2006 Nissan Murano and we love it.

10. March 27, 2010 our little girl HALLIE BETH was born and we now says KIDS instead of kid. That is weird!

Bella is now a big sister and is loving this new role. Except when you ask Bella what she thinks of Hallie, she says, "She's alright."

11. Hallie was blessed May 2, 2010. It was a special day that reminded me how lucky I am to be a Mom and that I married a man that can bless my children and all of the blessings and emotions that go along with that. We were able to be surrounded by our family and friends with a few exception. Corrine, Andrew, and Seth....I missed you!

Thursday, December 10, 2009
What's Arriving in March?.....
So before a great Thankgiving started, we had just one thing to do before....find out what we are having. Dan made the tech check 3 times with 3 different angles just to be sure.....and after all of that we found out that IT'S A...............................

GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just look at the cute little nose.

Dan was just sure that it was a boy, Bella always said it was a girl, and I had no clue either way. Dan is excited to have another little girl....I told him that he is meant to be surrounded by beautiful women his whole life. He was just hoping that it was a boy so that we could be done. When we told Bella that it was a girl, she said "I told you all along Daddy!" We are excited for Bella to have a baby sister....now if we can only decide on a name. Any suggestions?

25 weeks.....15 more to go

GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just look at the cute little nose.

Dan was just sure that it was a boy, Bella always said it was a girl, and I had no clue either way. Dan is excited to have another little girl....I told him that he is meant to be surrounded by beautiful women his whole life. He was just hoping that it was a boy so that we could be done. When we told Bella that it was a girl, she said "I told you all along Daddy!" We are excited for Bella to have a baby sister....now if we can only decide on a name. Any suggestions?

25 weeks.....15 more to go
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Thanksgiving and Games

Bella beating Grandpa (I think he might have let her win)

Playing 5 crowns with the rest of the family left to play
Friday, October 30, 2009
Princess Bella
After Bella telling me that she wanted to be a different princess every week, then be a ladybug, then back to Tinkerbell, Snow White, and an animal, she finally decided that she wanted to be Cinderella for Halloween. We got her all dressed up to go to the ward party and see all of her other friends that would no doubt be princesses as well. She was so excited that she got to wear make-up. She has been asking to wear some every single day since then. She loves blush and lip gloss. So cute! We of course couldn't forget about her Prince Charming!
Bella and her Prince Charming
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Pumpkins and Snow
I guess that it is time that I finally catch up on the life of the Lowe's, so here it goes.... Here is a picture of the first snow fall of the year(Oct - conference weekend) It was so funny because Bella couldn't wait to get her snow gear on and go outside. I talked Dan into getting his stuff on and help her build a snoman. She said she wanted one as tall as her. The funny thing was that all the snow melted the next day, but we had a snowman slowly melting for another week. I was telling Dan that growing up, there were very few Halloweens that I didn't have sweats, gloves, and boots that went under my costume.
After the snow melted and the house was decorated for Halloween, we went out to get pumpkins. Bella's job was helping to clean the pumpkins....she loved it, can't you tell.

After the snow melted and the house was decorated for Halloween, we went out to get pumpkins. Bella's job was helping to clean the pumpkins....she loved it, can't you tell.

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