Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Happy Love Week!

After an exciting trip to Disneyland for a week, it was time for us to come back home to reality. Since we flew home on Valentine's Day, we didn't really do much to celebrate, but we never really do since our anniversary is on the 18th. Today is year number 4 for us and I can't believe it. WE have done so much in those for years....We have moved 6 times, had one child, graduated from college together, been on a few great vacations together, bought our first home, new jobs, and lots of laughs and smiles with eachother and our daughter. I can't imagine my life being any better than it is right now. God sures knows what he is doing. :)
Well, Dan and I started a tradition when we were dating and then when we got married to celebrate these love days. On Valentine's, a few days before we got married, Dan brought me some chocolate covered strawberries. Then we had them again on our honeymoon. This quickly became our tradition. I go and get strawberries and dipping chocolates, and we make them together...that is for Valentine's. Then for our anniversary, we always go and get a couples massage.(I think we should do this more than just one a year) It is a way that we get to be together and both relax...something that doesn't happen that often. Happy Anniversary Dan...I look forward to many more trips, laughs, and triumphs together. XOXO

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this family picture at the top of your blog...what a cute family!! :) Hope you are doing good!